NPDL - Deep Learning

Student & Whanau Intro to Deep Learning

Introducing the Lead Team

Jess Torley

NPDL Development Leader and English Curriculum Leader, teaching English Years 10-13. I joined the lead team in 2022. 

My main inquiry in 2022 explored the Character deep learning competency. Check it out here.

In Term 4 2023 I am involved with a group of teachers from the Science, Social Sciences and English Departments in running a cross-curricular inquiry project with the whole of the Year 10 cohort. Students are being asked to explore ways in which we can make energy use in Ōtaki more sustainable. Check out our Power to the People website here.

I am happy to help with any aspect of your Deep Learning planning, inquiry, resources, etc across all 6Cs. 

Sam Ward

Teacher of Physical Education, Outdoor Education and the Manukura GPS boys leadership programme Y7-13.

Currently trialling a multi-level inquiry project dubbed "What is it to be a leader?" This is to inform future practice in 2024 and the main DL areas of focus that our rōpū are looking at is both Character and Collaboration. 

Come and see me for any questions about Deep Learning, big or small.

Check out all of my Manukura classes mahi and what we are up to HERE

Siniece Williamson

Teacher of 7&8 Homeroom & Mathematics and Year 9 Mathematics. I have been part of the lead team since 2021.

In 2022 I submitted a project for international moderation. Check it out here.

In Term 4 2023 I am working with the year 7&8 Department on a cross curricular project called "Good Sorts".  Our students will be discovering what it means to be a Good Sort, who the Good Sorts are in our own community and how they can become Good Sorts themselves.

I am happy to help with any questions you have. 

Valerie Lees

Valerie teaches Humanities, English and Social Sciences, and is currently acting Social Sciences Curriculum Leader.

I have enjoyed previous experience with project-based learning in Canada and am excited to get started with more Deep Learning projects here in Ōtaki.  I have learned alongside with my students sharing beginning anxieties  working through the ups and downs of project management, to take charge and become independent entrepeneurs, speakers, researchers and inventors.  Student creativity and enthusiasm always amazes me.  I am looking forward to helping with the "Power to the People" Year 10 Team and our own Humanities 9 group investingating, “How can we improve Ōtaki to meet the needs of our community now and in the future?”