Leadership through League (2013)
Post date: 31-Jul-2014 04:17:32
For the first five weeks of Term Two the Ōtaki College Level 2 Physical Education students participated in the Leadership through League programme.
This programme, run in in association with Wellington Rugby League, required students to visit three local primary schools; Ōtaki Primary, Waitohu School and Te Kura-a-iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano. The Level 2 students coached the primary school pupils the basic skills of Rugby League in preparation for the Rippa-League Tournament on June 6th. The Level 2 students were also completing Achievement Standard 2.9 and were required to organise the tournament, spending their class lessons arranging promotion and responsibilities for the day. The Rippa-League tournament was blessed with a stunning day and the Ōtaki College students ran a successful tournament with Te Kura-a-iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano winning the tournament. The College would like to congratulate the Level 2 Physical Education students for displaying respect and responsibility. Ōtaki College would also like to thank Phil Roache from Wellington Rugby League and Ōtaki Meats and Mad Butcher for supply the sausages for the BBQ.