Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki
Ngāti Raukawa, who trace their descent to Raukawa who was of Tainui heritage, have two traditional homelands. The first is in the southern Waikato and northern Taupō districts and the second, arising from the migration of large numbers from tribal conflict in the Waikato during the early 19th century, stretches from the Rangitikei River, west of Manawatū, to Kukutauaki Stream just north of Waikanae.
In the Ōtaki area, Ngāti Raukawa are made up of five hapū known as Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki. The hapū are Ngāti Korokī, Ngāti Ōtaki, Ngāti Huia ki Katihiku, Ngāti Pare and Ngāti Kapumanawawhiti.
Raukawa Marae
A marae is a symbol of tribal (iwi) identity and solidarity. The marae matua (parent marae) at Ōtaki is named Raukawa. It was established on the Mill Road site circa 1850s, and renovated in 1880 and 1936. Before that the iwi marae was at Rangiuru Pā, Rangiuru Road, Ōtaki.
At the commencement of each year new students to Ōtaki College are welcomed with a pōwhiri at Ōtaki College and at Raukawa Marae. This signifies the inherent responsibility to manaaki (care and look after) students in Ōtaki.
The relationship between Ngā hapū o Ōtaki and the College
A very high majority of Māori students attending Ōtaki College whakapapa to Ngāti Raukawa and for this reason Ngā hapū o Ōtaki have a vested interest in making certain that the College is meeting the needs of their students along with all other Māori learners.
They embrace this commitment in a range of ways which include;
a place on the College Board of trustees so they have a say in the governance of the college,
appointing a kaumātua to the college who offers advice and guidance to the senior leadership team and has a presence at all college official events,
setting the kawa and the tikanga that underpins all events at the college and which sets about how students, staff and whānau engage with one another,
supporting College initiatives to continue to raise the educational outcomes of Māori students at the college,
advocating, where required, for whānau in the College,
building links with health and social services to support students and whānau in the College,
being available at all times to support the College and the community.