Principal's Welcome

Welcome to Ōtaki College.

A very warm welcome to Ōtaki College which is a year 7 to year 13 secondary school situated on the beautiful Kapiti Coast 74 km from Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand. The historic town of Ōtaki is close to rivers, sea, bush and mountains and is especially popular with outdoor enthusiasts.

The College has approximately 500 students who enjoy a safe, supportive and creative learning environment. We place strong emphasis on building relationships with students to unlock their dreams and aspirations and allow them to achieve their full potential. Ōtaki College has high expectations of its students and our staff and community celebrate high levels of academic success. The College encourages all students to strive for excellence not only in academic study but also in leadership, sport and cultural pursuits. A strong sense of community is built through the College House system.

Ōtaki College is a restorative school. It sets high expectations of behaviour at all times through the Schoolwide Positive Behaviour for Learning programme. Our website offers you a look at life at Ōtaki College. Please feel free to contact me or our Year Level Deans if you have any questions you wish to discuss.

Andy Fraser, Principal

Tī Hei Mauriora

Mai i te tipua

Mai i te tawhito

Mai i te kā hui o ngā tumuaki o te Kareti o Ōtaki.

Ka tā kina atu e au ngā mihi nui ki a koutou ōku rangatira. Ki tēra Iwi, ki tēna hapu ki ngā whānau katoa.

Me mihi atu anō e au, ki ngā tini mate o tēra tau, me ngā mate o tēnei tau hou. Mā muri mai nei koutou e kōrero, e mihi, e tangi koutou katoa. E moe! Waiho ra rātou ki a rātou.

Ki a tātou te hunga ora

He toa takitini tāku toa. Ēhara i te toa takitahi i runga i tēna naumai, haere mai, whakatau mai.

Tēna koutou, tēna koutou

Tēna ra tātou katoa.