Nga Manu Korero

Ngā Manu Kōrero is a growing competition both within Ōtaki College and Aotearoa. Ngā Manu Kōrero is a speech competition for Māori Students or students who are taking Te Reo Māori as part of their NCEA options.

Students put a lot of time and effort into learning and developing their speeches. Both the Senior and Junior sections consist of two areas, English and Māori. Each section is named and so we have the following categories:

  • Pei Te Hurinui Jones (Senior Māori)

  • Korimako (Senior English)

  • Te Rāwhiti Ihaka (Junior Māori)

  • Sir Turi Carroll (Junior English)

The senior sections require the students to do a prepared speech and an impromptu speech. For English the prepared speech is 6 minutes in length and the impromptu 3 minutes. For Māori the prepared speech is 12 minutes in length and the impromptu 3 minutes. The Junior sections require the students to do a prepared speech only. For English the prepared speech is 6 minutes in length and for Māori the prepared speech is 12 minutes in length.

If you would like to help mentor our students with their oratory, we would be most appreciative of your time and efforts. Please do not hesitate to contact Whaea Maharata at the College. Telephone 3648204 or Email: